Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Maizbaan by COTHM & QASF: A joint training program to minimize matrimonial issues in society

Maizbaan by COTHM & QASF: A joint training program to minimize matrimonial issues in society

COTHM & Qasim Ali Shah Foundation have decided to train the youth of our society for a successful matrimonial life both in terms of handling household chores and earning a livelihood.

Fraaz Mahmud Kasuri

by Fraaz Mahmud Kasuri

Matrimony has always been a debatable subject as perfect marriages are just dreams which hardly come true. In the recent years, the ratio of broken or disturbed marriages has even increased because people have started going away from their roots. A big role in this fiasco play the parents who neither work on the practical social training of their children neither pay any heed to their domestic attitude. Every other day we hear about some divorce incident or watch people gossiping about some mismatch in their family. Nobody bothers to think about the causes of such unfortunate marriages which end up in separation or a marital life nothing less than a hell.

A very big reason behind such issues is the detachment of our youth from the household chores. Either boys or girls, all are seen busy in getting financially established before their marriages but nobody prepares for the actualization of the bond between the two families. Men are out for their jobs hardly paying any attention to the family commitments while ladies are either pursuing their careers or living in their limited circles having zero acceptance for anything not in line with their moods. A very big reason is the carelessness of parents who never train their children to accommodate others. Modern day parents don’t tell their kids to be humble and hospitable. They never speak to their children that kitchen is the heart of a house and standing and cooking over there is never a disgrace rather a pride. They never convey it to their kids that being hospitable to the family, relatives and friends adds to the grace of their own family. Fathers don’t tell boys that other than earning a good livelihood, respecting their elders is also an important aspect of life while mothers don’t train the daughters on how to handle the family affairs smoothly. Indeed it has become a big social evil which is eating up our relations and making us along even in the rush of the people.

College of Tourism & Hotel Management COTHM & QASF have joined hands to teach and guide the women of our society in the right direction in this regard. Both the organizations have decided to train the girls for a successful matrimonial life both in terms of handling household chores and pursuing a career. In a memorandum of understanding (MoU), both the organizations have agreed on launching a joint training program; Maizbaan to equip the ladies of our homes with both hard and soft skills. Hard skills which include kitchen and other household chores will be handled by COTHM while Qasim Ali Shah Foundation will take care of the soft/life skills.

The program Maizbaan comprises eight practical sessions which are i- Positive Approach towards Life, ii- Culinary Skills, iii- Food & Nutrition, iv- The Art of Baking & Patisserie, v- Emotional Intelligence, vi- Desserts Directory, vii- The Dining Etiquettes, and viii- Parenting.

It is hoped that the parents will get their girls enrolled in this one-month training program, Maizbaan, at least once before their marriages and the collective efforts of both COTHM & QASF will turn them into a skilled, courteous and hospitable generation.

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