By Fraaz Mahmud Kasuri
I suggest the Government of Pakistan to develop Azad Kashmir as one of the most wanted tourist spots in the world; it will not only benefit Pakistan economically but will also exert diplomatic pressure on India to end atrocities in occupied Kashmir.
Tell us something about your personal side.
As a person, I am very introvert, quiet, very shy and a romantic creature. I am basically an artist. I have been painting since my childhood; painting landscapes, making portraits, and figurative art are my favourites. Whenever I paint, I try to pay tribute to nature as the greatest of all painters is God. I also write poetry in English. As I told you I am a quiet person, I try to express my feelings through my art and words.
What do you draw and write about mostly?
I draw Kashmiri culture; its dresses, women and victims of Kashmir freedom movement. I write poetry about freedom, conflicts, and any other issue related to Kashmir and its people.
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What are your current activities?
My mother and I have been running ‘Peace & Culture Organization’ for last seven and half years. We work on conflict resolution and peace building initiatives in the society. We have arranged poetry competitions and art & painting exhibitions on Kashmiri culture. We have also arranged programs on Kashmiri handicraft, shawl weaving and walnut furniture. Dignitaries and diplomats from around the world attend our exhibitions. Biggest of all, wherever I go internationally, I represent the peace loving, romantic and culturally enriched side of Kashmir.
What is special in Kashmiri culture?
I have closely observed the element of ‘women empowerment’ in Kashmiri culture. Women have a lot of say there in Kashmir. Kashmiri cuisine is world famous. Wazwan is a multi-course Kashmir meal that is cooked overnight with the help of Kashmiri spices and herbs. I believe that Kashmiri dishes with their actual tastes must be promoted in Pakistan.
Do you like cooking?
Well! I love cooking but I usually don’t get time to cook food. My family thinks that I cook Haleem better. My mother and sister cook really well. My husband Yasin Malik is fond of cooking; he has got taste in his hands.
How can we connect Azad Kashmir & Pakistan through tourism?
Azad Kashmir has become a special belt due to CPEC and other allied projects but tourism has not been seriously explored there. I suggest the Government of Pakistan to develop Azad Kashmir as one of the most wanted tourist spots in the world; it will not only benefit Pakistan economically but will also exert diplomatic pressure on India to end atrocities in occupied Kashmir. Further, I have seen that Kashmiri people have a natural cult towards hospitality and tourism; they are very welcoming and peace loving people. And it is a universal fact that tourism is only meant for peaceful societies. I personally wish to hold a Kashmir festival in Islamabad in near future to present the real culture, music and cuisine of Kashmir to the world; COTHM will definitely be a part of this initiative.
Any message for our readers?
Keep promoting the real and beautiful side of your country with the help of your hospitable nature and professional expertise.