Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Simply Sufi Xprs CEO Hamza Sufi Said Food Industry Right Track

Simply Sufi Xprs CEO Hamza Sufi Said Food Industry Right Track

Simply Sufi Xprs Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hamza Sufi, along with his team, visited College of Tourism & Hotel Management (COTHM) where COTHM CEO Ahmad Shafiq orientated him about the education and training model of the college. Hamza Sufi had a thorough visit of the facility and interacted with the students working in different kitchens. He showed keen interest in the concept of Chocolate Academy and offered his support to its CEO Zainab Shafiq wherever needed.

He mentioned that imparting the skills of hospitality and tourism to the youth of Pakistan in a modern way is a real service and Sufi Group of Industries truly acknowledges it. Simply Sufi Xprs CEO Hamza Sufi also said that hospitality education is the actual way forward for the uplift of hospitality and food businesses in Pakistan. He further said that Pakistani entrepreneurs are following the best international practices in the food business and there will be a time soon when we shall not require imported ingredients for food processing.

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