Wednesday, March 26, 2025
PVTC ChairmanMajor Shahnawaz Badar (R)PVTC is a world class skill imparting organization

PVTC Chairman
Major Shahnawaz Badar (R)
PVTC is a world class skill imparting organization

PVTC is a unique model of its kind in the entire Muslim World, which utilizes Zakat as a tool of skills and economic empowerment.

When did you join PVTC?

PVTC has a 15 Members Governing Council like Board of Directors out of which 3 Members are from the Government Departments and rest all are professionals or from the private sector. I joined PVTC as a Council Member in October 2018 and was appointed as Chairman PVTC on May 22, 2019 by the Chief Minister, Punjab.

Kindly tell us about your experience in PVTC?

Punjab Vocational Training Council (PVTC) was established in October 1998 on the basis of Public Private Partnership by the Government of the Punjab. PVTC is utilizing Zakat Funds for poverty alleviation on the principle of dole out to pay roll by providing demand driven skill training to deserving youth specially Mustahaqeen–e–Zakat at their doorstep, involving private sector to enhance employability and assist the graduates in their placement for permanent rehabilitation and arranging financial support for their self-employment from Micro Finance Institutions and NGOs.

PVTC is a unique model of its kind in the entire Muslim World, which utilizes Zakat as a tool of skills and economic empowerment. It has pioneered way to channel Muslim Charity (Zakat) funds to support an effective model of vocational training for the permanent rehabilitation of the poorest youth of society.

During my service I came across TEVTA only but believe me after joining PVTC, I am of the opinion that PVTC is doing a great job by providing employable skills to the poorest youth to enable them to earn their respectable living for their families. It’s a noble cause and if we can improve the life of some of the youth it will be a Sadqa-e-Jaria.

What is your take on TVET system at national and international level?

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) systems all over the world are constantly challenged by this question as to how to respond to the demand of knowledge based economy. As TVET systems and their training programs directly relate to the world of work in terms of quantity and quality output, the approach of TVET programs needs to focus on the acquisition of employable skills.

As far as national perspective is concerned, unfortunately our TVET system is highly fragile and fragmented.

What are the major challenges of TVET system?

The biggest challenge is that more than 120 million or 60% of Pakistan’s rapidly growing population of 207.77 million is below the age of 35 years. If this demographic dividend is harnessed and skilled to meet domestic and international market requirements, the youth bulge would yield increased industrial productivity and higher foreign remittances. If left unskilled and not economically engaged, many of them may fall prey to the extremist and criminal elements of the society and which will be a disaster for the already ailing economy of Pakistan.

The existing TVET system in Pakistan is facing major challenges of quality of training as per international standards, governance and availability of adequate funds. In order to improve our existing TVET system in Pakistan we must ensure the availability of demand driven curricula, curricula compliant labs, properly trained instructors and availability of assured and sustainable funding to the TVET providers like TEVTA and PVTC.

In spite of these challenges how PVTC has performed over the last two decades?

As already mentioned, PVTC has extensively contributed towards poverty alleviation through vocational training within meager financial resources mainly through zakat funds. Although there has been some national and international interventions like Punjab Growth Strategy (2015-18) and international donor funding but mainly Zakat has been the only source of funding for PVTC. Since PVTC is offering 6 months and 1 year courses which attract the youth as these courses are the shortest possible route to engage the youth for gainful livelihood opportunities.

You will be pleased to note that as per third party evaluation by DG M&E, P&D Department, Govt. of Punjab, employment of PVTC graduates is 82% for the period 2010-14. I would like to share with you that even during COVID-19 pandemic situation PVTC did not stop its training activities and we were the first one to provide online training to the trainers and trainees and we plan to expand it further.

What is your vision for your organizations?

In order to achieve certain goals and objectives you always need a winning team around. I have a competent and motivated team available and if adequate funds are allocated to PVTC it can achieve any target. My vision is to see PVTC as an organization which applies best international practices and training standards to become the first choice of all employers at national and international level.

What is leadership to you? How can we differentiate between a leader and a manager?

Leadership is a phenomenon, in which you set your organizational goals and objectives. A leader gives you vision and sets goals for you and the manager facilitates you to achieve these goals.

Please list & rank your three job motivators being a Chairman?

  1. Contributing towards improving the quality of life of youth.
    1. Providing best employable skills to the youth enabling them to get jobs or be an entrepreneur.
    1. Giving a brand name to PVTC for its excellence with a highest level of employment in the country.

What is your definition of excellence or peak performance?

When your competitors make you or your organization a benchmark and follow all your footprints, I would call it excellence or peak performance for me.

How do you manage your anger and stress?

Well! anger needs to be controlled. It is not easy but you have to show your team that you are a calm person and don’t try to create panic. Taking stress will not help in any given situation. If you are under stress, clear thinking is also affected.

Where do you see PVTC after five years?

I see PVTC as a world class skill imparting organization by providing best employable skills to its trainees in all sectors of economic development. We plan to improve quality of training through implementation of Competency Based Training (CBT) and online courses with blended learning approach. We would also like that some of our VTIs are developed as sector specific Centers of Excellence (CoEs) in the hospitality, construction, CPEC and health sectors to produce skilled workforce for the employers.

Any message to the younger generation?

Believe in your potential and company goals and objectives. Try your best to achieve them at all cost. Work as a team and celebrate as a team too.

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